Gunbower National Park, 18th April 2014

Gunbower National Park

Gunbower National Park

We approached this park from Cohuna. We called at the Information Centre to obtain a map of the park. We were also told that there had been about 60 millimetres of rain and that the track had been damaged. We found the track generally dry but soft on the shoulders with large patches of water remaining (see photo below).  We eventually came to a point where the track became a bog. We chose not to try and get through. After crossing the bridge at Gunbower Creek we followed the main road for just a few kilometres before taking the Nursery Track into the Park, then through the Gunbower State Forrest before emerging into the Park again near the Murray River. Nursery track is not clearly marked and we went just beyond the turnoff before noticing our error. The 4 x 4 just in front of us also made the same navigational error and on our way out of the Park we saw another car do the same thing. The Park sign is just too far off the road.

I chose spot away from campers on a ‘lawn’. The grass was green and the track dry. After setting up the squid pole on a stump and the linked dipole antenna in place I thought I would use the Ten Tec Argonaut V1. After checking 7.100 a few times I called CQ at 01:17 and was answered by VK3SRB/M2, Steve, near Parkes. Signals were good and after a short contact I worked VK5AR/M5, Allan; VK5FO/P5, Bob; VK5ZAR/P5, Arno in Clinton Conservation Park; VK5FMID, Brian; VK5PAS, Paul; VK5LY, Larry; VK5NJ, John; VK3AFW, Ron; VK3MQ, Rob; VK5MBD, Bill; VK3FQSO, Amanda, giving her a new Park; VK3BHR, Phil; VK3HRA, Allen; VK3UCD, David; VK2AWJ, John; VK3VZZ, Charlie; VK3AMB, Bernard; VK5NJ, John for a second time; VK2UH, Andrew; VK1MA, Matt; VK3TB,  and at 02:17 VK3GRW, Greg.  Twenty-three contacts in an hour I thought was great fun. Generally the band was quiet: there appeared to be few other signals on 40m, so thanks to all those who took time out to give me a call.

Easter campers among the trees

Easter campers among the trees

Nursery Track Gunbower National Park

Nursery Track Gunbower National Park