Flinders Chase National Park, 13th May 2014, VKFF – 173

Flinders Chase National Park - Gosselands

Flinders Chase National Park – Gosselands

Flinders Chase National Park is the iconic Park on Kangaroo Island.  The Park contains the Remarkable Rocks, Admirals Arch vast areas of wilderness and Kangaroos who know how to raid your tent, well at least that was the case on our first visit there many years ago. It is probably not like this now: the Parks authorities actively discourage the feeding of native animals and there have been a number of significant fires through the Park.

Nicholas and I befriended 1990 Flinders Chase NP

Nicholas and I befriended!
1990 Flinders Chase NP JCD photo

An Australian Sea lion & look a the size of the Ranger's radio JCD photo

An Australian Sea lion & look a the size of the Ranger’s radio! JCD photo

You can also sharpen up your surfing skills by watching the seals at play. They are fantastic.  To give you an idea of the size of Kangaroo Island Flinders Chase National Park is 110 kilometres west of Kingscote. The brochures advising of the attractions of Kangaroo Island mentions its size, by stating it is the third largest island in Australia. Well can you work it out? I couldn’t at first. Here is the answer. While the Australian mainland is an island it is also a continent. So take that out of the equation.  Tasmania is the largest island, then  Melville Island in the Northern Territory then Kangaroo Island. We did not go to the main part of the Park on this occasion. We chose to keep the trip west as short as we could and thus activated from the eastern end of the Park.

Flinders Chase National Park - Gosselands - my spot

Flinders Chase National Park – Gosselands – my spot

I found a great spot in this Park just off the Playford Highway. We carefully negotiated a rather damp track watching for any signs of softness in the gravel. I set up in the usual way and always wondering how it will all turn out on the day. It was great.  Fourteen contacts kept me busy: VK5ZAR, Arno; VK5KGP, Graham; VK5KLV, Les from Port Augusta; VK3AMB, Bernard; VK3FQSO, Amanda; VK5TW, Trevor; VK5AV/M5, Tim near Lamaroo; VK5ZGY/M5, Greg; VK3UP/P3, Terry at Ballarat; VK3NFC, Steve; VK5NAQ, Peter; VK3LY, Bill; VK5BC/M5, Brian and VK3FJAE, Doug from Maryborough.